Hello hacker! Welcome to this comprehensive cheat sheet for Metasploit! This powerful open-source framework is an essential tool for security professionals and ethical hackers who want to test and improve the security of their systems. With Metasploit, you can develop and execute exploits against target systems, scan for vulnerabilities, and conduct penetration testing.

In this cheat sheet, we will provide a comprehensive guide to Metasploit’s different components and commands in a table format. Our aim is to help you gain a solid understanding of how the framework works and how to use it effectively and ethically. Remember, it is important to use this tool for legitimate and ethical purposes only, with the explicit permission of the target system owner.

What Is Metasploit?

Metasploit is an open-source framework used for developing and executing exploits against target systems. It was developed by H.D. Moore in 2003 as a project to automate and standardize the process of exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems.

Metasploit provides a wide range of pre-built modules for exploiting known vulnerabilities in target systems, as well as a scripting language that allows users to create their own custom modules. The framework can be used for a variety of security testing purposes, including penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and network security assessments.

Metasploit is widely used by security professionals, including penetration testers, red teams, and blue teams, to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in target systems. It is a powerful tool for ethical hacking and security testing, but it should only be used with the explicit permission of the target system owner.

Metasploit’s collection of exploits, payloads, and tools to conduct penetration testing can speed up the testing process and take on much of the heavy lifting. 

Most of the available tools and exploits only require filling in some basic information, such as the target ip address and port number and possibly operating system or software version of the target. Very little modification is required of the user.

It also has the ability to easily upload files to and download files from a target system, perform network scanning, routing network traffic, and manage multiple sessions at once.

Whether you’re a security professional or a student learning about cybersecurity, Metasploit is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal.

” Desktop View Recommended”

Framework Components

Metasploit Framework is composed of several key components that work together to provide a comprehensive penetration testing platform. Here are some of the main components:

  1. Metasploit Console: The Metasploit console provides a command-line interface for interacting with the framework. Users can access a range of modules and perform various tasks such as running exploits, payloads, and scanning modules.
  2. Module Database: The module database is a repository of all available modules, including exploits, payloads, encoders, and auxiliary modules. Each module contains detailed information on its functionality, configuration options, and usage.
  3. Exploit Development Environment: The Metasploit Framework includes a built-in exploit development environment that enables users to develop custom exploits and modules.
  4. Payloads: Payloads are pieces of code that are executed on the target system after successful exploitation. The Metasploit Framework includes a range of payloads, such as reverse shells, VNC, and Meterpreter.
  5. Encoders: Encoders are used to obfuscate payloads to bypass antivirus software and other security measures. The Metasploit Framework includes several encoders, including XOR, shikata-ga-nai, and ZLIB.
  6. Post-Exploitation Modules: Once a system has been compromised, post-exploitation modules can be used to gather information, escalate privileges, or perform other tasks. The Metasploit Framework includes a range of post-exploitation modules, such as keyloggers, screenshot capture, and password dumping.
  7. Scanner Modules: The Metasploit Framework includes a range of scanner modules, which can be used to scan for vulnerabilities in networks, operating systems, and applications.
  8. Reporting: The framework includes a reporting feature that allows users to generate reports on the results of penetration testing activities.

These components work together to provide a powerful platform for penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and exploit development.

Networking commands

These commands allow you to manage network interfaces, routes, and connections, as well as perform network scanning and capture traffic. The route command can be used to view or add/delete routes in the routing table. The ifconfig command displays network interface configuration, and can be used to bring interfaces up or down. The arp command displays the ARP table for the network. The ping command sends an ICMP echo request to a specified host. The tcpdump command captures network traffic. The nmap command can be used to scan for open ports and services on a network. The netstat command displays active network connections. The show options command displays available options for a module, while the set commands allow you to set options for a module, such as the remote host IP address, remote port number, local host IP address, local port number, payload, and exit function. These commands can be used for network reconnaissance and exploitation activities in penetration testing.

routeDisplays the routing table
route add [subnet] [netmask] [gateway]Adds a route to the routing table
route delete [subnet] [netmask] [gateway]Deletes a route from the routing table
ifconfigDisplays network interface configuration
ifconfig [interface] upBrings a network interface up
ifconfig [interface] downBrings a network interface down
arpDisplays the ARP table
arp -aDisplays the ARP table for all hosts
ping [ip]Sends an ICMP echo request to a host
tcpdumpCaptures network traffic
nmapScans for open ports and services
netstatDisplays active network connections
show optionsDisplays available options for a module
set RHOST [ip]Sets the remote host IP address
set RPORT [port]Sets the remote port number
set LHOST [ip]Sets the local host IP address
set LPORT [port]Sets the local port number
set PAYLOAD [payload]Sets the payload to use
set EXITFUNC [function]Sets the exit function for the payload

Basics and file handling command

helpDisplays a list of available commands
search [keyword]Searches for modules based on a keyword
use [module]Selects a module for use
show optionsDisplays the options for the selected module
set [option] [value]Sets an option value for the selected module
run or exploitRuns the selected module
sessionsDisplays active sessions
sessions -i [session ID]Interacts with a specific session
sessions -k [session ID]Kills a specific session
backgroundPuts a session into the background
jobsLists running jobs
routeConfigures routing
route add [subnet] [netmask] [gateway]Adds a new route
route delete [subnet] [netmask] [gateway]Deletes an existing route
cdDisplays the current directory
lcdChanges the local directory
pwdDisplays the present working directory
lsLists the files and directories in the current directory
dirSame as ls
cat [file]Displays the contents of a file
edit [file]Edits a file
upload [local file] [remote file]Uploads a file to the target
download [remote file] [local file]Downloads a file from the target
mkdir [directory]Creates a new directory
rmdir [directory]Removes an empty directory
rm [file]Deletes a file

Process Handling Commands

These commands can be used to manage processes on the target system, allowing you to stop or manipulate processes as needed. The ps command lists the running processes, and you can use the kill command to terminate a process. The migrate command allows you to move the Meterpreter session to a different process, which can be useful for maintaining persistence or avoiding detection. The execute -f command can be used to execute arbitrary commands on the target, while the shell command drops the user into a shell on the target. The background command puts the current session into the background, allowing you to continue working with other sessions or modules. Finally, the route commands can be used to configure routing on the target, allowing you to redirect traffic through your Meterpreter session.

psLists the running processes on the target
kill [process ID]Kills the specified process
migrate [process ID]Moves the current Meterpreter session to the specified process
execute -f [command]Executes a command on the target
shellDrops the user into a shell on the target
backgroundPuts a session into the background
routeConfigures routing
route add [subnet] [netmask] [gateway]Adds a new route
route delete [subnet] [netmask] [gateway]Deletes an existing route

Interface and Output commands

These commands allow you to customize the interface and output of Metasploit. The banner command displays the Metasploit banner, while the color command enables or disables colored output. The setg and unsetg commands allow you to set or unset global options, such as the prompt, user agent, or proxy settings. The setg output_directory command allows you to set the output directory for module output. The setg verbose, setg debug, and setg quiet commands control the level of detail in the output, while the setg timeout command sets the timeout value for connections. These commands can be useful for tailoring Metasploit to your specific needs and preferences.

bannerDisplays the Metasploit banner
color [true/false]Enables or disables colored output
setg [option] [value]Sets a global option value
unsetg [option]Unsets a global option value
setg prompt [value]Sets the prompt for the Metasploit console
setg timestamp_output [true/false]Enables or disables timestamped output
setg output_directory [directory]Sets the output directory for module output
setg user_agent [value]Sets the user agent string
setg proxy [value]Sets the proxy server
setg proxy_port [value]Sets the proxy port
setg proxy_type [value]Sets the proxy type
setg proxy_user [value]Sets the proxy username
setg proxy_pass [value]Sets the proxy password
setg ssl [true/false]Enables or disables SSL
setg ssl_version [value]Sets the SSL version
setg verbose [true/false]Enables or disables verbose output
setg debug [true/false]Enables or disables debug output
setg quiet [true/false]Enables or disables quiet mode
setg timeout [value]Sets the timeout value

Password Management Commands

These commands allow you to manage and use credentials in Metasploit modules. The creds command displays a list of stored credentials, which can be edited or deleted using the -e and -x options, respectively. The -t option allows you to filter credentials by type. The setg commands allow you to set global options for passwords, usernames, domains, and credential files. The setg PASS_LIST, setg USER_LIST, and setg USERPASS_FILE commands allow you to set a list or file of passwords, usernames, or both to be used in modules. The setg BLANK_PASSWORDS command enables or disables the use of blank passwords, while the setg STOP_ON_SUCCESS command enables or disables stopping a module after a successful login. These commands can be useful for automating password attacks and testing credentials in penetration testing activities.

credsDisplays a list of stored credentials
creds -e [id]Edit the specified credential
creds -x [id]Delete the specified credential
creds -t [type]Filters credentials by type (e.g., smb, ftp, ssh)
creds -hDisplays help information for the creds command
setg PASSWORD [value]Sets the password for use in modules
setg USERNAME [value]Sets the username for use in modules
setg DOMAIN [value]Sets the domain name for use in modules
setg PASS_FILE [value]Sets the path to a file containing passwords
setg USER_FILE [value]Sets the path to a file containing usernames
setg PASS_LIST [value]Sets a list of passwords to use
setg USER_LIST [value]Sets a list of usernames to use
setg USERPASS_FILE [value]Sets the path to a file containing usernames and passwords
setg BLANK_PASSWORDS [true/false]Enables or disables the use of blank passwords
setg STOP_ON_SUCCESS [true/false]Enables or disables stopping a module after a successful login

msfvenom command options

msfvenom is a powerful tool in Metasploit that is used for generating various types of payloads for exploitation. Here are some of the command options available in msfvenom:

-pSpecifies the payload to use (e.g., windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp)
-fSpecifies the output format for the payload (e.g., exe, elf, apk)
-aSpecifies the architecture to use (e.g., x86, x64, armle)
-eSpecifies the encoder to use (e.g., x86/shikata_ga_nai)
-bSpecifies a list of characters to avoid in the payload (e.g., \x00\xff)
-nSpecifies the name of the output file
-iSpecifies the number of times to encode the payload
-xSpecifies the executable file to use as a template
-kGenerates a payload that bypasses anti-virus
--listDisplays a list of available payloads
--list-optionsDisplays a list of options for a specified payload

These options allow you to customize the payload generated by msfvenom to suit your needs. The -p option specifies the payload to use, which can be either a stager or a stage payload. The -f option specifies the output format for the payload, such as executable or shellcode. The -a option specifies the architecture for the payload, such as x86 or armle. The -e option specifies the encoder to use for the payload, which can be used to obfuscate the payload to bypass anti-virus software. The -b option specifies a list of characters to avoid in the payload, which can be used to avoid null bytes or other problematic characters. The -n option specifies the name of the output file. The -i option specifies the number of times to encode the payload. The -x option specifies an executable file to use as a template for the payload. The -k option generates a payload that is designed to bypass anti-virus. The --list and --list-options options allow you to view available payloads and options for a specified payload, respectively.

Exploit Development

These commands and tools are used in various stages of exploit development, from payload generation to assembly code conversion to building ROP chains. The msfvenom command generates payloads and encoders for use in exploits, while the pattern_create.rb and pattern_offset.rb commands are used to identify memory offsets for buffer overflow exploits. The nasm_shell.rb command converts assembly instructions into machine code, and msfelfscan and ropgadget are used to find function calls and gadgets in binaries for use in exploits. The msfconsole -x and msfcli commands can be used to execute modules and commands automatically, while msfrop builds ROP chains for exploits. The msfupdate command updates Metasploit to the latest version. These commands and tools are essential for exploit developers to create and test exploits for known vulnerabilities or target-specific systems.

msfvenomGenerates payloads and encoders for use in exploits
pattern_create.rbGenerates a pattern for identifying memory offsets
pattern_offset.rbIdentifies the offset of a specific value in a pattern
nasm_shell.rbConverts assembly instructions into machine code
msfelfscanScans ELF binaries for function calls and gadgets
ropgadgetFinds ROP gadgets in binaries
msfconsole -xExecutes console commands and modules automatically
msfcliExecutes modules from the command line
msfropBuilds ROP chains for exploits
msfupdateUpdates Metasploit to the latest version


These commands and tools are used for maintaining access and performing actions on a compromised system after initial exploitation. For example, the getsystem command attempts to escalate privileges to SYSTEM, while hashdump retrieves password hashes from the target system. The keylogger_start command starts a keylogger on the target system, while migrate moves the Meterpreter process to a different process on the target system to evade detection. The portfwd command forwards a port from the target system to the attacker system, while screenshot takes a screenshot of the target system’s desktop. The webcam_snap command takes a snapshot from the target system’s webcam. The timestomp command modifies file timestamps to evade detection, while clearev clears event logs on the target system. The shell_to_meterpreter command upgrades a regular shell to a Meterpreter shell, while ps and ls list running processes and files and directories on the target system. The upload and download commands transfer files between the attacker and target systems, while execute executes a command on the target system.

getuidRetrieves the user ID of the current user
getsystemAttempts to escalate privileges to SYSTEM
hashdumpDumps password hashes from the target system
keylogger_startStarts a keylogger on the target system
migrateMoves the Meterpreter process to a different process on the target system
portfwdForwards a port from the target system to the attacker system
screenshotTakes a screenshot of the target system’s desktop
webcam_snapTakes a snapshot from the target system’s webcam
timestompModifies file timestamps to evade detection
clearevClears event logs on the target system
shell_to_meterpreterUpgrades a regular shell to a Meterpreter shell
psLists running processes on the target system
lsLists files and directories on the target system
uploadUploads a file from the attacker system to the target system
downloadDownloads a file from the target system to the attacker system
executeExecutes a command on the target system


These commands and modules are used for various scanning and reconnaissance tasks, as well as performing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and gathering information from target systems. For example, the auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous module attempts to login to an FTP server anonymously, while auxiliary/scanner/http/dir_scanner scans a web server for directories. The auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping module pings a Microsoft SQL Server, while auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp performs a TCP port scan. The auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_login module attempts to login to a VNC server. The auxiliary/dos/tcp/synflood module floods a target with SYN packets to exhaust resources, while auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration exploits Tomcat Manager Application authentication bypass vulnerability. The auxiliary/gather/browser_autopwn module creates a fake update page for a specific browser to deliver a payload, while auxiliary/gather/wlan_wpa_eapol captures WPA/WPA2 EAPOL packets to crack the password. These commands and modules are useful for reconnaissance and information gathering, as well as performing targeted attacks on vulnerable systems.Payloads

auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymousAttempts to login to an FTP server anonymously
auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_versionDetermines the version of an FTP server
auxiliary/scanner/http/dir_scannerScans a web server for directories
auxiliary/scanner/http/jboss_vulnscanScans a JBoss application server for vulnerabilities
auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_pingPings a Microsoft SQL Server
auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_versionDetermines the version of a MySQL server
auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcpPerforms a TCP port scan
auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_versionDetermines the version of an SMB server
auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enumEnumerates SNMP objects
auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_versionDetermines the version of an SSH server
auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_loginAttempts to login to a VNC server
auxiliary/dos/tcp/synfloodFloods a target with SYN packets to exhaust resources
auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administrationExploits Tomcat Manager Application authentication bypass vulnerability
auxiliary/gather/browser_autopwnCreates a fake update page for a specific browser to deliver a payload
auxiliary/gather/wlan_wpa_eapolCaptures WPA/WPA2 EAPOL packets to crack the password


These payloads can be used in conjunction with various exploits to deliver and execute malicious code on a target system. The windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload creates a Meterpreter shell that connects back to the attacker, while windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp creates a Meterpreter shell that listens for incoming connections. The windows/shell/reverse_tcp payload creates a command shell that connects back to the attacker, while windows/shell_bind_tcp creates a command shell that listens for incoming connections. The windows/exec payload executes a specified command on the target system, while windows/download_exec downloads and executes a file from a specified URL. The windows/meterpreter/reverse_dns payload creates a Meterpreter shell that connects back to the attacker using a DNS request. These payloads can be customized with various options to tailor their behavior to specific needs, such as setting the IP address and port number to use for the connection.

windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpCreates a Meterpreter shell that connects back to the attacker
windows/meterpreter/reverse_httpsCreates a Meterpreter shell that connects back to the attacker over HTTPS
windows/meterpreter/reverse_httpCreates a Meterpreter shell that connects back to the attacker over HTTP
windows/meterpreter/bind_tcpCreates a Meterpreter shell that listens for incoming connections
windows/meterpreter/reverse_winhttpsCreates a Meterpreter shell that connects back to the attacker over a Windows HTTPS channel
windows/shell/reverse_tcpCreates a command shell that connects back to the attacker
windows/shell_bind_tcpCreates a command shell that listens for incoming connections
windows/execExecutes a specified command on the target system
windows/download_execDownloads and executes a file from a specified URL
windows/meterpreter/reverse_dnsCreates a Meterpreter shell that connects back to the attacker using a DNS request


These encoders can be used to obfuscate a payload and make it more difficult for antivirus software to detect. The x86/shikata_ga_nai encoder uses a polymorphic XOR additive feedback algorithm to scramble the payload, while x86/fnstenv_mov modifies the stack pointer and registers to avoid bad characters. The x86/call4_dword_xor encoder replaces the CALL instruction with a new, encrypted CALL instruction. The x86/alpha_mixed encoder randomly shuffles the bytes in the payload, while x86/countdown inserts a countdown loop before executing the payload. The x86/nonupper encoder subtracts 0x20 from uppercase letters to avoid bad characters, and x86/shikata_ga_nai_reverse is the same as x86/shikata_ga_nai, but with the output reversed. The cmd/powershell_base64 encoder encodes a payload as a Base64 string for use in PowerShell. Finally, generic/none disables encoding entirely.

x86/shikata_ga_naiPolymorphic XOR additive feedback encoder
x86/fnstenv_movModifies the stack pointer and registers to avoid bad characters
x86/call4_dword_xorReplaces the CALL instruction with a new, encrypted CALL instruction
x86/alpha_mixedRandomly shuffles the bytes in the payload
x86/countdownInserts a countdown loop before executing the payload
x86/nonupperSubtracts 0x20 from uppercase letters to avoid bad characters
x86/shikata_ga_nai_reverseSame as x86/shikata_ga_nai, but with the output reversed
cmd/powershell_base64Encodes a payload as a Base64 string for use in PowerShell
generic/noneDisables encoding entirely


These evasion techniques can be used to avoid detection and improve the chances of a successful exploit. The polymorphic technique generates random or semi-random code to avoid signature-based detection. Fragmentation breaks up the payload into smaller pieces and sends them separately to evade detection. Encoding encodes the payload to avoid detection, while padding adds random data to the payload to change its signature. The timing technique delays the payload execution to avoid detection by behavior-based analysis, while obfuscation modifies the payload to make it harder to analyze and detect. Finally, stealth techniques are used to hide the presence of the payload or activity on the target system.

Evasion TechniqueDescription
polymorphicGenerates random or semi-random code to avoid signature-based detection
fragmentationBreaks up the payload into smaller pieces and sends them separately to evade detection
encodingEncodes the payload to avoid detection
paddingAdds random data to the payload to change its signature
timingDelays the payload execution to avoid detection by behavior-based analysis
obfuscationModifies the payload to make it harder to analyze and detect
stealthHides the presence of the payload or activity on the target system


Metasploit has several built-in reporting features that allow users to generate customized reports on the results of their security assessments. Some of the reporting options available in Metasploit include:

  • Hosts Summary Report: Generates a report that summarizes the results of the assessment, including the number of hosts scanned, services detected, and vulnerabilities found.
  • Vulnerability Report: Generates a report that provides a detailed list of vulnerabilities found during the assessment, including a description of the vulnerability, severity rating, and recommendations for remediation.
  • Executive Summary Report: Generates a high-level report that provides a summary of the assessment results, including a list of the top vulnerabilities and recommendations for remediation.
  • Penetration Testing Report: Generates a comprehensive report that includes detailed information on the assessment methodology, tools used, findings, recommendations, and remediation strategies.
  • Compliance Report: Generates a report that provides evidence of compliance with specific regulatory requirements, such as PCI DSS or HIPAA.
  • Custom Report: Allows users to generate a customized report by selecting specific criteria to include, such as host information, vulnerability information, and remediation recommendations.

Users can generate reports in a variety of formats, including HTML, PDF, and CSV, and can customize the output to meet their specific needs. Additionally, Metasploit provides integrations with other security tools and platforms, such as Nexpose and Rapid7 InsightVM, to allow for seamless reporting and vulnerability management.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Metasploit?

A: Metasploit is an open-source framework used for developing and executing exploits against target systems.

Q: What is an exploit?

A: An exploit is a piece of code or a technique used to take advantage of a vulnerability in a target system to gain unauthorized access or perform malicious actions.

Q: Is Metasploit legal?

A: Yes, Metasploit is legal to use for security testing and research purposes. However, it should only be used with the explicit permission of the target system owner.

Q: What operating systems does Metasploit support?

A: Metasploit is a cross-platform framework and can be used on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Q: Do I need programming experience to use Metasploit?

A: While some programming experience can be helpful when using Metasploit, it is not required. Metasploit provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of pre-built modules that can be used by security professionals with varying levels of technical expertise.

Q: Can Metasploit be used for ethical hacking?

A: Yes, Metasploit can be used for ethical hacking and penetration testing to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in target systems.

Q: Is Metasploit only used by hackers?

A: No, Metasploit is used by a wide range of security professionals, including penetration testers, red teams, and blue teams, to identify and fix security vulnerabilities.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Metasploit?

A: Yes, there are several alternatives to Metasploit, including Cobalt Strike, Core Impact, and Canvas. However, Metasploit is one of the most widely used and well-known security testing frameworks available.


In conclusion, Metasploit is a powerful open-source framework that is widely used by security professionals and ethical hackers for conducting penetration testing and improving the security of systems. This comprehensive cheat sheet has provided a quick guide to Metasploit’s different components and commands in a table format. We hope that this cheat sheet will serve as a valuable reference for security professionals who are new to Metasploit or looking to refresh their knowledge of the framework. It is important to remember that Metasploit should be used ethically and with the explicit permission of the target system owner.

  • Tom
    August 3, 2023 at 11:10 am

    Thank you! Best Metasploit Cheat Sheet out there.


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