If you’ve ever felt that Linux is just for developers or tech experts, we’re here to change that perception. Yes, Linux might seem a bit daunting at first, but once you dive into it, you’ll see why so many people fall in love with its flexibility and power.

In fact, we’ve dedicated a whole book to it – Linux Playbook For Hacker’s. This book aims to guide you through the maze of commands and functionalities, making you comfortable and proficient with Linux.

Linux commands give you exceptional control over your computer, and once you get the hang of them, switching back to Windows or any other operating system might seem less appealing.

Our Linux Cheatsheet includes everything from basic commands to advanced techniques. You’ll find sections on file and directory management, file permissions, text processing, system information, networking, and more. Plus, we’ve packed it with useful shortcuts to speed up your workflow.

So, whether you’re just starting or looking to sharpen your skills, this cheatsheet is designed to be your handy reference. Dive in and discover the power of Linux!

What is Linux?

Linux is another flavor of Unix, and in many areas has reached them in popularity, being deployed in everything from desktops, laptops, and mobile devices to server farms, supercomputer clusters, and everything else in between. As opposed to proprietary operating systems (OS) such as Windows and macOS, Linux is open-source, meaning that the source code is made available for everyone to view, change, and share. Being open sourced there is an enormous and diverse community that helps maintain and improve it over time.

In simplest terms, Linux is made up of the Linux kernel – the core of the operating system – which is responsible for maintaining hardware resources and enabling software to communicate with hardware. Distributions (distros) build on top of that kernel, providing a rich mix of additional software, user interfaces, and services that can be mixed and matched to create complete operating systems suitable for a variety of different tasks. Some popular Linux distributions include Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and CentOS.

Linux is known for its stability, security, and flexibility. It is the preferred operating system for servers, cloud computing, and embedded systems, largely due to its robustness and the control it offers administrators. For developers and tech enthusiasts, Linux provides a rich environment for programming, scripting, and system administration.

Despite its reputation for being complex, Linux has become increasingly user-friendly, with many distributions offering intuitive graphical interfaces and extensive documentation.

#1. Basic Linux commands

Linux commands can seem intimidating at first glance, with their terse syntax and vast range of options. But fear not! Once you get the hang of them, you’ll realize that these commands are not only powerful but also incredibly efficient. Imagine being able to perform complex tasks with just a few keystrokes, automate repetitive actions, and troubleshoot issues with precision—all of this is possible with the right set of commands.

In this section, we’ll introduce you to some of the most fundamental Linux commands that you’ll need for day-to-day operations. From navigating the filesystem and managing files to checking system resources and configuring networks, these commands are your toolkit for mastering Linux. Each command is accompanied by a description, common options, and examples to help you understand how to use them effectively.

Our goal is to make you comfortable with the command line, demystifying its use and showing you how it can streamline your work. Whether you’re editing a file, changing permissions, or monitoring system performance, these commands will empower you to get things done efficiently and effectively.

So, let’s dive in and start exploring the basic Linux commands that will serve as your foundation in this powerful operating system. Below is a comprehensive table that lists these commands, along with their descriptions, options, and examples to help you get started.

pwdPrints the current working directoryN/Apwd
lsLists directory contents-l (long format), -a (all files), -h (human-readable)ls -lh
cdChanges the directoryN/Acd /home/user
touchCreates an empty fileN/Atouch file.txt
cpCopies files or directories-r (recursive), -i (interactive)cp file.txt /backup/
mvMoves or renames files or directories-i (interactive)mv file.txt newfile.txt
rmRemoves files or directories-r (recursive), -f (force)rm -rf folder
catConcatenates and displays filesN/Acat file.txt
mkdirCreates a new directory-p (parent directories as needed)mkdir new_folder
rmdirRemoves empty directoriesN/Armdir empty_folder
chmodChanges file permissionsNumeric (e.g., 755), Symbolic (e.g., u+x)chmod 755 script.sh
chownChanges file owner and groupuser:groupchown user:group file.txt
nanoEdits text files in the terminalN/Anano file.txt
viEdits text files in the terminalN/Avi file.txt
grepSearches text using patterns-i (ignore case), -r (recursive), -v (invert match)grep -i 'search' file.txt
dfDisplays disk space usage-h (human-readable)df -h
duDisplays file and directory space usage-h (human-readable), -s (summary)du -sh folder
freeDisplays memory usage-h (human-readable)free -h
psDisplays current processes-e (all processes), -f (full format)ps -ef
topDisplays running processesN/Atop
killTerminates processesN/Akill 1234 (PID)
ifconfigConfigures network interfacesN/Aifconfig eth0
pingChecks network connectivityN/Aping google.com
wgetDownloads files from the web-c (continue), -P (directory)wget -P /downloads URL
sshConnects to remote machines securely-i (identity file), -p (port)ssh user@hostname
scpSecurely copies files between hosts-P (port)scp file.txt user@host:/path

#2. File Permission Commands

Managing file permissions is a crucial aspect of maintaining a secure and efficient Linux system. File permissions control who can read, write, or execute a file, and understanding how to set and modify these permissions is essential for any Linux user. Here’s an introduction to the most commonly used file permission commands, along with a comprehensive table that details their usage.

Understanding File Permissions

In Linux, each file and directory has a set of permissions for three different user categories:

  1. Owner: The user who owns the file.
  2. Group: The group that owns the file.
  3. Others: All other users.

Permissions are divided into three types:

  • Read (r): Permission to read the file.
  • Write (w): Permission to modify the file.
  • Execute (x): Permission to execute the file as a program.

Each file’s permissions are displayed as a series of ten characters, for example: -rwxr-xr--

  • The first character indicates the file type (e.g., - for regular file, d for directory).
  • The next three characters show the owner’s permissions.
  • The following three characters show the group’s permissions.
  • The last three characters show others’ permissions.

File Permission Commands Table

chmodChanges file permissions-R (recursive), Numeric (e.g., 755), Symbolic (e.g., u+x)chmod 755 script.sh
chownChanges file owner-R (recursive)chown user file.txt
chgrpChanges file group-R (recursive)chgrp group file.txt
umaskSets default file creation permissionsN/Aumask 022
statDisplays detailed information about a fileN/Astat file.txt

Examples and Usage

chmod (Change Mode)

The chmod command changes the permissions of a file or directory. You can use either symbolic or numeric mode to specify permissions.

  • Symbolic Mode:
  • u (user/owner)
  • g (group)
  • o (others)
  • a (all)
  chmod u+x script.sh   # Adds execute permission for the owner
  chmod g-w file.txt    # Removes write permission for the group
  chmod a+r file.txt    # Adds read permission for everyone
  • Numeric Mode:
  • r = 4
  • w = 2
  • x = 1 Combine these values to set permissions:
  chmod 755 script.sh   # Sets permissions to rwxr-xr-x
  chmod 644 file.txt    # Sets permissions to rw-r--r--

chown (Change Owner)

The chown command changes the ownership of a file or directory.

chown newuser file.txt           # Changes the owner to 'newuser'
chown newuser:newgroup file.txt  # Changes the owner to 'newuser' and group to 'newgroup'
chown -R newuser /path/to/dir    # Recursively changes the owner of all files in the directory

chgrp (Change Group)

The chgrp command changes the group ownership of a file or directory.

chgrp newgroup file.txt          # Changes the group to 'newgroup'
chgrp -R newgroup /path/to/dir   # Recursively changes the group of all files in the directory

umask (User File Creation Mask)

The umask command sets the default permissions for newly created files and directories.

umask 022                        # Sets default permissions to 755 for directories and 644 for files

stat (File Status)

The stat command provides detailed information about a file, including its permissions, owner, size, and modification time.

stat file.txt

#3. Environment Variables Commands

Environment variables are a basic aspect of the Linux foundation and they are used broadly to influence the conduct of software in the process imposing changes where needed. They are used for storing information such as the user preferences, system settings, and the locations of executable files. A Linux user must learn how to handle these variables. This section provides an overview of the commands most often used to interact with environment variables with a handy table listing the commands that provide a high-level, cheat-sheet-like view of their use.

Environment variables are dynamic values that can affect the way running processes behave on a computer. They can be system-wide or user-specific. Common environment variables include:

  • PATH: Specifies the directories where executable files are located.
  • HOME: The current user’s home directory.
  • USER: The name of the current user.
  • SHELL: The path to the current user’s shell.

Environment Variables Commands Table

printenvPrints all or specific environment variablesN/Aprintenv
envRuns a command in a modified environmentN/Aenv
setLists or sets shell variablesN/Aset
exportSets environment variablesN/Aexport PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
unsetUnsets environment variablesN/Aunset VARIABLE_NAME
echoDisplays the value of an environment variableN/Aecho $HOME

Examples and Usage

printenv (Print Environment)

The printenv command prints all or the specified environment variables.

printenv                   # Prints all environment variables
printenv PATH              # Prints the value of the PATH variable

env (Environment)

The env command runs a command with a modified environment. It can also be used to print all environment variables.

env                        # Prints all environment variables
env VAR=value command      # Runs 'command' with VAR set to 'value'

set (Set Shell Variables)

The set command lists or sets shell variables.

set                        # Lists all shell variables and functions

export (Export Environment Variables)

The export command sets environment variables so they are available to child processes.

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH   # Adds /usr/local/bin to the PATH
export EDITOR=nano                 # Sets the default editor to nano

unset (Unset Environment Variables)

The unset command removes environment variables.

unset PATH                 # Unsets the PATH variable
unset EDITOR               # Unsets the EDITOR variable

echo (Echo Value)

The echo command displays the value of an environment variable.

echo $HOME                 # Prints the home directory
echo $USER                 # Prints the current user name

#4. User Management Commands in Linux

For all Linux system administrators, managing users is a basic task. With these commands, you can create, edit and delete user accounts, and manage user group permissions. Here is the list of an introduction to of several the most used user management commands and details in the tables below.

Every user has a unique user ID (UID) and is a member of one or more groups, each with a unique group ID (GID). It includes tasks like adding new users, editing current users, managing group memberships, and implementing some basic security for user accounts.

User Management Commands Table

useraddAdds a new user-m (create a home directory), -G (additional groups), -s (shell)useradd -m -s /bin/bash newuser
usermodModifies an existing user-aG (add to group), -s (shell), -d (home directory)usermod -aG sudo newuser
userdelDeletes a user-r (remove home directory)userdel -r newuser
groupaddAdds a new groupN/Agroupadd newgroup
groupmodModifies an existing group-n (new name)groupmod -n newname oldgroup
groupdelDeletes a groupN/Agroupdel newgroup
passwdChanges user passwordN/Apasswd newuser
chageChanges user password expiry information-l (list), -E (expiry date), -m (minimum days)chage -E 2024-12-31 newuser
idDisplays user ID and group ID-u (user ID), -g (group ID), -G (all groups)id newuser
suSwitches to another user- (login shell)su - newuser
sudoExecutes a command as another user-u (user)sudo -u newuser command

Examples and Usage

useradd (Add User)

The useradd the command creates a new user.

useradd -m -s /bin/bash newuser   # Adds a new user with a home directory and bash shell
useradd -m -G sudo newuser        # Adds a new user and adds them to the sudo group

usermod (Modify User)

The usermod command modifies an existing user account.

usermod -aG sudo newuser          # Adds the user to the sudo group
usermod -s /bin/zsh newuser       # Changes the user's shell to zsh
usermod -d /new/home newuser      # Changes the user's home directory

userdel (Delete User)

The userdel command removes a user account.

userdel newuser                   # Deletes the user
userdel -r newuser                # Deletes the user and their home directory

groupadd (Add Group)

The groupadd command creates a new group.

groupadd newgroup                 # Creates a new group

groupmod (Modify Group)

The groupmod command modifies an existing group.

groupmod -n newname oldgroup      # Renames the group

groupdel (Delete Group)

The groupdel command removes a group.

groupdel newgroup                 # Deletes the group

passwd (Change Password)

The passwd command changes the password of a user.

passwd newuser                    # Changes the password of the user

chage (Change Age)

The chage command changes password expiration information for a user.

chage -l newuser                  # Lists password expiry information for the user
chage -E 2024-12-31 newuser       # Sets the account expiry date
chage -m 7 newuser                # Sets the minimum number of days between password changes

id (User ID)

The id command displays the user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) of a user.

id newuser                        # Displays UID, GID, and group memberships
id -u newuser                     # Displays only the UID
id -g newuser                     # Displays only the GID
id -G newuser                     # Displays all group IDs

su (Substitute User)

The su command switches to another user.

su - newuser                      # Switches to the newuser account with a login shell

sudo (Super User Do)

The sudo command allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user.

sudo -u newuser command           # Executes the command as newuser
sudo apt-get update               # Runs the update command with superuser privileges

#5. Networking Commands in Linux

Networking is an important part of the Linux system administration, it allows for connecting other systems, file transfer, troubleshooting network issues, etc. Basic understanding and use of the networking commands line will help you to administrate the network configurations and troubleshoot more efficiently. The following is an introduction to the most frequently used networking commands with a comprehensive chart including the commands.

Linux networking commands configure network interfaces, check connectivity, manage network services, and analyze network parameters. General networking commands are used to configure and manage network connections for the proper working of devices that can communicate over a computer network using chips, cards, cables, and other resources.

Networking Commands Table

ifconfigConfigures network interfacesup (activate), down (deactivate), inet (IP address)ifconfig eth0 up
ipShows/manages IP addresses and routesaddr (address), link (device), route (routing table)ip addr show
pingChecks network connectivity-c (count), -i (interval), -t (TTL)ping -c 4 google.com
tracerouteTraces the route packets take to a network host-n (numeric), -m (max hops)traceroute google.com
netstatDisplays network connections and statistics-a (all), -t (TCP), -u (UDP), -p (program)netstat -tuln
ssDisplays socket statistics-l (listening), -t (TCP), -u (UDP), -p (process)ss -tuln
digQueries DNS information@server (DNS server), +short (short output)dig google.com
nslookupQueries DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mappingN/Anslookup google.com
scpSecurely copies files between hosts-P (port), -r (recursive)scp file.txt user@host:/path
sshConnects to remote machines securely-i (identity file), -p (port)ssh user@hostname
ftpTransfers files to/from a remote host-i (interactive mode), -n (no auto-login)ftp hostname
wgetDownloads files from the web-c (continue), -P (directory)wget -P /downloads URL
curlTransfers data from or to a server-O (remote-name), -L (location)curl -O http://example.com/file.txt
routeDisplays/manages the IP routing table-n (numeric), add (add route), del (delete route)route -n
hostnameShows or sets the system’s hostname-i (IP address), -f (full)hostname -i

Examples and Usage

ifconfig (Interface Configuration)

The ifconfig command is used to configure network interfaces.

ifconfig                          # Displays all active interfaces
ifconfig eth0 up                  # Activates the eth0 interface
ifconfig eth0 down                # Deactivates the eth0 interface
ifconfig eth0       # Assigns IP address to eth0

ip (IP Address Management)

The ip command is a powerful tool for managing IP addresses and routing.

ip addr show                      # Displays all IP addresses
ip link set eth0 up               # Activates the eth0 interface
ip addr add dev eth0 # Assigns IP address to eth0
ip route show                     # Displays the routing table

ping (Packet Internet Groper)

The ping command tests connectivity to another network host.

ping google.com                   # Pings google.com continuously
ping -c 4 google.com              # Pings google.com 4 times
ping -i 0.5 google.com            # Pings google.com with a 0.5-second interval

traceroute (Trace Route)

The traceroute command shows the route packets take to reach a host.

traceroute google.com             # Traces the route to google.com
traceroute -n google.com          # Traces the route numerically
traceroute -m 10 google.com       # Limits the trace to 10 hops

netstat (Network Statistics)

The netstat command displays network connections, routing tables, and more.

netstat -a                        # Shows all connections
netstat -tuln                     # Shows listening TCP and UDP ports
netstat -p                        # Shows connections and the PID/program name

ss (Socket Statistics)

The ss command provides detailed socket information.

ss -tuln                          # Lists listening TCP and UDP ports
ss -tp                            # Shows TCP sockets with process information

dig (Domain Information Groper)

The dig command queries DNS servers for information.

dig google.com                    # Queries DNS information for google.com
dig @ google.com           # Uses a specific DNS server (
dig google.com +short             # Provides a short, concise answer

nslookup (Name Server Lookup)

The nslookup command queries DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.

nslookup google.com               # Queries DNS for google.com information
nslookup                  # Queries the IP address for its domain name

scp (Secure Copy)

The scp command securely copies files between hosts.

scp file.txt user@remote:/path    # Copies file.txt to a remote server
scp -r local_dir user@remote:/path # Recursively copies a directory to a remote server

ssh (Secure Shell)

The ssh command connects to remote machines securely.

ssh user@hostname                 # Connects to a remote host
ssh -p 2222 user@hostname         # Connects to a remote host on a specific port
ssh -i /path/to/key user@hostname # Connects using a specific identity file

ftp (File Transfer Protocol)

The ftp command transfers files to/from a remote host.

ftp hostname                      # Connects to an FTP server
ftp -n hostname                   # Connects without auto-login

wget (Web Get)

The wget command downloads files from the web.

wget http://example.com/file.txt  # Downloads a file from the web
wget -c http://example.com/file.txt # Continues an interrupted download
wget -P /downloads http://example.com/file.txt # Downloads to a specific directory

curl (Client URL)

The curl command transfers data from or to a server.

curl -O http://example.com/file.txt # Downloads a file from the web
curl -L http://example.com          # Follows redirects

route (Routing Table)

The route command displays or modifies the IP routing table.

route -n                          # Displays the routing table numerically
route add default gw  # Adds a default gateway
route del default gw  # Deletes a default gateway

hostname (Show or Set Hostname)

The hostname the command shows or sets the system’s hostname.

hostname                          # Displays the current hostname
hostname newhostname              # Sets a new hostname
hostname -i                       # Displays the IP address of the hostname

#6. Process Management Commands in Linux

One of the major tasks of a Linux system administrator is process management. Processes are essentially running programs, and knowing how to work with them gives you a way to check system utilization, stop stuck processes, and ensure your computer is using its resources efficiently. Introduction to Common Process Management CommandsA list of how and when to use each process management command can be useful to bookmark for later when you find yourself needing to check on at what state one or more of these commands are running.

Linux Process can be system processes or user Processes which can be foreground too or Background process. Commands to visit your processes, process management commands that is. The fundamental concepts reviewing the process IDs (PIDs), parent-child process relationships, and the signal to control the process.

Process Management Commands Table

psDisplays current processes-e (all processes), -f (full format), -u (user)ps -ef
topDisplays and updates process information-d (delay), -n (number of iterations)top
htopInteractive process viewerN/Ahtop
killSends a signal to a process-9 (force kill)kill 1234
killallSends a signal to multiple processes by name-9 (force kill)killall firefox
pkillSends a signal to processes by name or attribute-9 (force kill), -u (user)pkill -9 chrome
niceStarts a process with a given priority-n (priority)nice -n 10 command
reniceChanges the priority of an existing process-n (priority), -p (process)renice -n 15 -p 1234
bgResumes a suspended job in the backgroundN/Abg %1
fgBrings a background job to the foregroundN/Afg %1
jobsLists current jobs-l (list with PIDs)jobs -l
nohupRuns a command immune to hangupsN/Anohup command &
atSchedules a command to run at a later time-f (file), -m (mail)at 10:00 AM tomorrow
cronSchedules recurring tasksN/Acrontab -e
serviceManages system servicesstart, stop, restart, statusservice apache2 restart
systemctlControls the systemd system and service managerstart, stop, restart, statussystemctl restart apache2

Examples and Usage

ps (Process Status)

The ps command displays information about active processes.

ps -ef                                # Displays all processes in full format
ps aux                                # Displays processes with detailed user-oriented output
ps -u username                        # Displays processes for a specific user

top (Table of Processes)

The top command provides a dynamic, real-time view of running processes.

top                                   # Displays active processes and updates every few seconds
top -d 5                              # Updates the display every 5 seconds
top -n 10                             # Displays 10 iterations and then exits

htop (Interactive Process Viewer)

The htop command is an interactive process viewer, similar to top, but with a more user-friendly interface.

htop                                  # Launches the interactive process viewer

kill (Terminate a Process)

The kill command sends a signal to a process, typically to terminate it.

kill 1234                             # Terminates the process with PID 1234
kill -9 1234                          # Forcefully terminates the process with PID 1234

killall (Terminate Processes by Name)

The killall command sends a signal to all processes running a specified command.

killall firefox                       # Terminates all instances of Firefox
killall -9 firefox                    # Forcefully terminates all instances of Firefox

pkill (Terminate Processes by Attribute)

The pkill command sends a signal to processes based on name or other attributes.

pkill chrome                          # Terminates all processes with the name "chrome"
pkill -9 chrome                       # Forcefully terminates all processes with the name "chrome"
pkill -u username                     # Terminates all processes owned by a specific user

nice (Set Process Priority)

The nice command starts a process with a specified priority.

nice -n 10 command                    # Starts the command with a nice value of 10

renice (Change Process Priority)

The renice command changes the priority of an existing process.

renice -n 15 -p 1234                  # Changes the priority of the process with PID 1234 to 15

bg (Background)

The bg command resumes a suspended job in the background.

bg %1                                 # Resumes job number 1 in the background

fg (Foreground)

The fg command brings a background job to the foreground.

fg %1                                 # Brings job number 1 to the foreground

jobs (List Jobs)

The jobs command lists current jobs.

jobs -l                               # Lists jobs with their PIDs

nohup (No Hang Up)

The nohup command runs a command immune to hangups, with output to a file.

nohup command &                       # Runs command immune to hangups in the background

at (Schedule a Command)

The at command schedules a command to run at a later time.

at 10:00 AM tomorrow                  # Schedules a command to run at 10:00 AM tomorrow
echo "command" | at now + 1 hour      # Schedules a command to run in one hour

cron (Schedule Recurring Tasks)

The cron command schedules recurring tasks.

crontab -e                            # Edits the current user's crontab file

service (Manage System Services)

The service command manages system services.

service apache2 restart               # Restarts the Apache2 service
service apache2 status                # Checks the status of the Apache2 service

systemctl (Control System and Service Manager)

The systemctl command controls the systemd system and service manager.

systemctl start apache2               # Starts the Apache2 service
systemctl stop apache2                # Stops the Apache2 service
systemctl restart apache2             # Restarts the Apache2 service
systemctl status apache2              # Checks the status of the Apache2 service

#7. File Compression and Archiving Commands in Linux

Compression and archiving files is an important task when it comes to handling disk space, putting some order in the files, and transferring the data to a destination with sense. There are many tools available for use in Linux for compressing, decompressing, and archiving files. Original (Link)Introduction to Frequently Used Commands of File Compression & File Archiving with a Detailed Table

Compression Squashes Files So They Transfer Easier An archiving collects multiple files into one file before compressing it. Common tools include gzip, bzip2, xz for compression, and tar for archiving.

File Compression and Archiving Commands Table

tarArchives multiple files into a single file-c (create), -x (extract), -v (verbose), -f (file), -z (gzip), -j (bzip2), -J (xz)tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/dir
gzipCompresses files-d (decompress), -k (keep original)gzip file.txt
gunzipDecompresses .gz filesN/Agunzip file.txt.gz
bzip2Compresses files using bzip2-d (decompress), -k (keep original)bzip2 file.txt
bunzip2Decompresses .bz2 filesN/Abunzip2 file.txt.bz2
xzCompresses files using xz-d (decompress), -k (keep original)xz file.txt
unxzDecompresses .xz filesN/Aunxz file.txt.xz
zipCreates ZIP archives-r (recursive), -d (delete)zip archive.zip file1 file2
unzipExtracts ZIP archives-l (list), -d (extract to directory)unzip archive.zip
rarCreates RAR archives-a (add), -x (extract), -v (verbose)rar a archive.rar file1 file2
unrarExtracts RAR archives-l (list), -e (extract)unrar e archive.rar

Examples and Usage

tar (Tape Archive)

The tar command is used to create and manipulate archive files.

tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/dir     # Creates a gzip-compressed archive of a directory
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz                  # Extracts a gzip-compressed archive
tar -cjvf archive.tar.bz2 /path/to/dir    # Creates a bzip2-compressed archive of a directory
tar -xjvf archive.tar.bz2                 # Extracts a bzip2-compressed archive
tar -cJvf archive.tar.xz /path/to/dir     # Creates an xz-compressed archive of a directory
tar -xJvf archive.tar.xz                  # Extracts an xz-compressed archive

gzip (GNU Zip)

The gzip command compresses files.

gzip file.txt                            # Compresses file.txt, resulting in file.txt.gz
gzip -d file.txt.gz                      # Decompresses file.txt.gz, resulting in file.txt
gzip -k file.txt                         # Compresses file.txt and keeps the original file

gunzip (GNU Unzip)

The gunzip command decompresses .gz files.

gunzip file.txt.gz                       # Decompresses file.txt.gz, resulting in file.txt

bzip2 (Bzip2 Compression)

The bzip2 command compresses files using the bzip2 algorithm.

bzip2 file.txt                           # Compresses file.txt, resulting in file.txt.bz2
bzip2 -d file.txt.bz2                    # Decompresses file.txt.bz2, resulting in file.txt
bzip2 -k file.txt                        # Compresses file.txt and keeps the original file

bunzip2 (Bzip2 Decompression)

The bunzip2 command decompresses .bz2 files.

bunzip2 file.txt.bz2                     # Decompresses file.txt.bz2, resulting in file.txt

xz (XZ Compression)

The xz command compresses files using the xz algorithm.

xz file.txt                              # Compresses file.txt, resulting in file.txt.xz
xz -d file.txt.xz                        # Decompresses file.txt.xz, resulting in file.txt
xz -k file.txt                           # Compresses file.txt and keeps the original file

unxz (XZ Decompression)

The unxz command decompresses .xz files.

unxz file.txt.xz                         # Decompresses file.txt.xz, resulting in file.txt

zip (ZIP Archive)

The zip command creates ZIP archives.

zip archive.zip file1 file2              # Creates a ZIP archive containing file1 and file2
zip -r archive.zip /path/to/dir          # Recursively adds a directory to a ZIP archive
zip -d archive.zip file1                 # Deletes file1 from the ZIP archive

unzip (Unzip Archive)

The unzip command extracts ZIP archives.

unzip archive.zip                        # Extracts the contents of the ZIP archive
unzip -l archive.zip                     # Lists the contents of the ZIP archive
unzip archive.zip -d /path/to/dir        # Extracts the contents to a specific directory

rar (RAR Archive)

The rar command creates RAR archives.

rar a archive.rar file1 file2            # Creates a RAR archive containing file1 and file2
rar x archive.rar                        # Extracts the contents of the RAR archive
rar l archive.rar                        # Lists the contents of the RAR archive

unrar (Unrar Archive)

The unrar command extracts RAR archives.

unrar e archive.rar                      # Extracts the contents of the RAR archive
unrar l archive.rar                      # Lists the contents of the RAR archive

#8. IO Redirection Commands in Linux

A feature of Linux, which we will be looking at in this article, is IO (Input/Output) redirection. For example for the redirection of the output of commands to files or the chaining of commands together or the conditional handling of errors, etc. In this tutorial, we present an introduction to the most used IO redirection commands: a comprehensive table where we describe their usage formally.

In Linux, every process is associated with three standard IO streams:

  • Standard Input (stdin): The default source of input (usually the keyboard). File descriptor is 0.
  • Standard Output (stdout): The default destination of output (usually the terminal). File descriptor is 1.
  • Standard Error (stderr): The default destination for error messages (usually the terminal). File descriptor is 2.

Redirection allows you to change the default source or destination of these streams.

IO Redirection Commands Table

>Redirects stdout to a file (overwrite)command > filels > output.txt
>>Redirects stdout to a file (append)command >> filels >> output.txt
<Redirects stdin from a filecommand < filesort < input.txt
2>Redirects stderr to a file (overwrite)command 2> filels nonexist > output.txt 2> error.txt
2>>Redirects stderr to a file (append)command 2>> filels nonexist >> output.txt 2>> error.txt
&>Redirects both stdout and stderr to a file (overwrite)command &> filels &> output.txt
&>>Redirects both stdout and stderr to a file (append)command &>> filels &>> output.txt
|Pipes stdout of one command to stdin of anothercommand1 | command2ls | grep txt
teeReads from stdin and writes to stdout and filescommand | tee filels | tee output.txt
<<Here document for providing multi-line inputcommand << delimiter ... delimitercat << EOF ... EOF
<&Duplicates stdincommand <&nread var <&0
>&Duplicates stdoutcommand >&necho "message" >&2

Examples and Usage

Redirecting Standard Output

> (Overwrite)

Redirects the standard output of a command to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.

ls > output.txt                    # Redirects the output of ls to output.txt, overwriting it
>> (Append)

Redirects the standard output of a command to a file, appending to the file if it exists.

ls >> output.txt                   # Appends the output of ls to output.txt

Redirecting Standard Input

< (Input Redirection)

Redirects the standard input of a command from a file.

sort < input.txt                   # Takes input for sort from input.txt

Redirecting Standard Error

2> (Overwrite)

Redirects the standard error of a command to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.

ls nonexist 2> error.txt           # Redirects error messages of ls to error.txt, overwriting it
2>> (Append)

Redirects the standard error of a command to a file, appending to the file if it exists.

ls nonexist 2>> error.txt          # Appends error messages of ls to error.txt

Redirecting Both Standard Output and Error

&> (Overwrite)

Redirects both standard output and standard error to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.

ls &> output.txt                   # Redirects both output and errors of ls to output.txt, overwriting it
&>> (Append)

Redirects both standard output and standard error to a file, appending to the file if it exists.

ls &>> output.txt                  # Appends both output and errors of ls to output.txt

Piping Commands

| (Pipe)

Pipes the standard output of one command to the standard input of another.

ls | grep txt                      # Pipes the output of ls to grep to find lines containing 'txt'

tee Command

The tee command reads from standard input and writes to both standard output and files.

ls | tee output.txt                # Writes the output of ls to both the terminal and output.txt

Here Document

<< (Here Document)

Allows you to provide multi-line input to a command.

cat << EOF
This is a
multi-line input

Duplicating File Descriptors

<& (Duplicate stdin)

Duplicates standard input from another file descriptor.

read var <&0                       # Reads input from file descriptor 0 (stdin)
>& (Duplicate stdout)

Duplicates standard output to another file descriptor.

echo "message" >&2                 # Sends the message to file descriptor 2 (stderr)

#9. Shortcuts Commands in Linux

Many shortcut commands in Linux can help you be more productive. Here are a few of the most common ones:

9.1: Bash Shortcuts Commands

Bash, the Bourne Again Shell, provides numerous keyboard shortcuts to improve your efficiency while working in the terminal.

Ctrl + AMove to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + EMove to the end of the line
Ctrl + UCut (kill) the line before the cursor
Ctrl + KCut (kill) the line after the cursor
Ctrl + YPaste (yank) the cut text
Ctrl + WCut the word before the cursor
Ctrl + RSearch through command history
Ctrl + LClear the screen (same as clear command)
!!Repeat the last command!!
!nRepeat the nth command from history!5 (repeats the 5th command)
Ctrl + CInterrupt/Kill the current process
Ctrl + DLogout from the current session

9.2: Nano Shortcuts Commands

Nano is a simple, user-friendly text editor. Here are some essential shortcuts for efficient editing.

Ctrl + OWrite out (save) the file
Ctrl + XExit nano
Ctrl + KCut the current line
Ctrl + UPaste the cut text
Ctrl + WSearch within the file
Ctrl + JJustify the current paragraph
Ctrl + CShow the current cursor position
Ctrl + GDisplay help
Ctrl + \Replace text
Alt + AStart selecting text
Alt + 6Copy the selected text

9.3: VI Shortcuts Commands

VI is a powerful text editor that comes pre-installed on most Unix systems. Here are some common shortcuts for both command and insert modes.

iSwitch to insert mode
EscSwitch to command mode
:wSave the file
:qQuit VI
:wqSave and quit VI
:q!Quit without saving
ddDelete the current line
yyYank (copy) the current line
pPaste the yanked text
/patternSearch for a pattern
uUndo the last change
Ctrl + RRedo the last undone change
ggGo to the beginning of the file
GGo to the end of the file
xDelete the character under the cursor

9.4: Vim Shortcuts Commands

Vim, an enhanced version of VI, provides additional shortcuts and functionalities. Here are some common Vim shortcuts for productivity.

:wSave the file
:qQuit Vim
:wqSave and quit Vim
:q!Quit without saving
ddDelete the current line
yyYank (copy) the current line
pPaste the yanked text
/patternSearch for a pattern
uUndo the last change
Ctrl + RRedo the last undone change
ggGo to the beginning of the file
GGo to the end of the file
xDelete the character under the cursor
:set nuShow line numbers
:set nonuHide line numbers
vStart visual mode (select text)
Ctrl + VStart visual block mode

These shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity by making navigation and editing in the terminal and text editors more efficient. Keep this cheatsheet handy as a quick reference while working on your Linux system.

1 Comment
  • Redwan
    June 19, 2024 at 10:28 pm

    Very informative


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