When we hear the word “server“, we imagine a huge supercomputer that takes up an entire floor. But not only can giant corporations like Google and Microsoft afford this device. Anyone can make a server from inexpensive components that are at hand. Let’s figure out what it can be useful for.

Why Linux?

Why do we need Linux? Imagine the situation: you are planning to create your server and are faced with the choice of an operating system. The most obvious option may seem to be using Windows – after all, it is widespread and familiar to most users. However, there is a special parallel world where Linux-based server solutions occupy leading positions. So why would we need a Linux server if we have Windows? Let’s take a look at some of the compelling benefits that a Linux-based server offers:

  1. Firstly, Linux offers a high degree of reliability and stability. Native architecture, security, flexible configuration, and regular system updates allow you to avoid many problems that a Windows server may encounter.
  2. Secondly, Linux is open-source software with a free GNU/GPL license. This means that you not only save money on the license cost, but you are also free to modify the operating system to suit your needs and distribute it without restrictions.
  3. The third important factor is the flexibility of Linux. It offers a wide range of distributions, each of which can be customized to suit the needs of a particular server. The Linux community also actively develops and supports various programs and tools, giving you unlimited opportunities to improve your server.
  4. Finally, Linux is a platform with excellent compatibility with a wide range of software, including databases, web servers, administrative tools, and other applications. High compatibility and a wide selection of programs will help you get the most out of your Linux-based server.
  5. And yes – it’s free! Of course, there are commercial distributions, but free packages also provide long-term support with updates.

In our article, we will look at the details and steps for creating a server to fully take advantage of all the benefits of a Linux-based OS.

Installing Linux

We will install on a Hyper-V virtual machine, only to be able to create images of the process, otherwise how else to take screenshots? :) 

  • As a distribution, we chose Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04.3, in our opinion one of the most advantageous distributions in terms of support and stability.
  • Also, our choice is justified by the fact that inside the Ubuntu Server version, unlike Ubuntu Desktop, there will not be any “extra” programs and services that are not particularly needed on a server machine – for example, a package of programs for working with documents like LIbre Office.
  • Inside Ubuntu Server “out of the box” there is no graphics, which is logical for a server distribution, but for a more “smooth” acquaintance with the Linux eco-system we will install the graphical shell “XFCE4” – it eats up few resources, but provides graphics. As soon as you need it – you can remove it.

The pros and cons and differences between Linux distributions can be discussed separately – this is a topic for a separate article. For now, we will focus on the basic installation and minimal initial settings required for a server machine.

Step 1 – Download the Linux installation image

On the official website, download the Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS distribution → to do this, select option 1 and click on the “Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS” button: link to the official page .

Step 2 – Download the installation image

Since we will be installing on a virtual machine, when creating a new virtual machine, it will be enough to select our downloaded file as the download source in the hypervisor settings. For those who decide to install it on a physical server, you will additionally need to create a bootable USB flash drive by writing the image to the media. Programs for this: DiskMaker X, Installer Disk, Rufus, Etcher, Universal USB installer, and many others.

Step 3 – Start the installation process

After we have prepared the media, created a virtual machine, and selected an image to boot the operating system, we start the installation process. For a flash drive, reboot the machine and enter the BIOS to select the bootable media. In the case of a virtual machine, we simply start it. A window will open for selecting the installation → select “Try or Install Ubuntu Server”

Step 4 – Select the language

Although English will be installed by default, for beginners we recommend choosing Russian to simplify the perception of the system.

Step 5 – Upgrade Agreement

If your machine is connected to the network and a new version of the installer is available in remote repositories → you will be prompted to update the installer or continue without updates. We will choose to install without updates because we are satisfied with this version of the installer.

Step 6 – Select the layout

We recommend leaving it as is.

Step 7 – Selecting the installation type

Since we are going to install without unnecessary services, packages, etc., we should choose “Minimized”. In this way, we make our system lightweight by reducing unnecessary programs and services. If we end up missing something, we can easily install it later.

Step 8 – Configure the network interface

If you have an understanding and experience in fine-tuning the network, then here you can configure specific static IPs. By default, all settings will be set via DHCP. For those less experienced, we recommend leaving the settings unchanged and selecting “Done”.

Step 9 – Proxy

If there are no restrictions on the Internet connection, then you can skip this step.

Step 10 – Archive Mirror

We leave the default value

Step 11 – Marking up the file space

At this step, the installer will prompt you to select the disk on which the OS will be installed, as well as options for partitioning and encryption. If you want to make a custom partitioning, then select “Custom storage layout”. Or let the program create partitions and for this, select “Use entire disk” + “Set up this disk as an LVM group”. For the first time installing Ubuntu Server, we recommend choosing this option. 

On the next page, we will be presented with a detailed description of the partitioning scheme. Experienced Linux users recommend providing the installation wizard with all available space in the LVM logical volume. Without understanding, we do not recommend making any changes in this section. Therefore, click “Finish”.

Step 12 – Create a user profile

At this step, you need to set the name of our user + server name.

After setting up the user, the installation program may offer you to upgrade to the PRO version of the product. But since it is not free → we skip

Step 14 – SSH Key

If you are going to use a secure remote connection protocol via SSH, install it immediately. But you can do this at any time after installing the system.

Step 15 – Additional Packages

Since we are interested in the “lightness” of the server and the absence of unnecessary services, programs → then without selecting anything, click “Done”. Any package from the list can be installed at any time.

Step 16 – Completing the installation

As soon as we click “Finish”, the installation process will begin, and the user will no longer need any additional manipulations. Therefore, we just wait for the installation to complete. And as a result, the installer will offer us to reboot the system.
If suddenly, when working on a Hyper-V virtual machine, an error occurs after rebooting with the text “Please remove the installation medium…” – then simply enter the command “sudo reboot” 


Excellent! At this point, the Ubuntu Server installation can be considered complete. Now all we have to do is log in to the system using the user data (login, password) that we created earlier, and the system can be considered ready for work.

Installing the graphical interface

As we said at the very beginning → for less experienced users, working only with the command line can be quite unusual, and therefore we suggest installing a graphical shell for our server, which will not consume much RAM, but will allow us to smoothly enter the “world” of Linux users.

  • To do this, first of all after installation, enter the command “ sudo apt update ” in the line – this will start checking for updates for the installed packages.
  • Next, update these packages with the command ” sudo apt upgrade “.  The installation process may ask for confirmation – just press the “Enter” key.
  • After this, the system will prompt you to restart the running services – enter the number that will have the option “none of above”
  • Now the most important thing is to install the graphical shell, download manager (user authorization), and Russian language pack (for localization).
    To do this, enter the command:
     ” sudo apt install xfce4 xdm xfce4-xkb-plugin language-pack-ru -y “.
    And after the installation is complete, be sure to reboot with the command: ” sudo reboot”
  • If we did everything correctly, then after rebooting the system user authorization window will appear, where we must enter the login and password that we used earlier.
  • And finally, a graphical interface will open in front of us, where we will be able to configure programs in the usual way – with a mouse.

Let’s sum it up

  1. The procedure for installing Ubuntu Server on your own is a fairly simple process. The default settings are suitable for most typical needs. However, experienced users can configure settings for specific tasks. 
  2. Linux is a very flexible tool in experienced hands, so the more we study its capabilities, the more we find advantages of using this system in work tasks.
  3. Free ready-made Linux distributions make it possible to create a good alternative to the usual Windows server.


In this article, we have considered the first step in the process of creating a server for 1C based on Linux and tried to briefly outline the main points of the installation process. In the following articles, we will tell you about how to install the PostgreSQL DBMS – for database management, configure the Apache web server and activate licenses for the 1C server.

  • Avatar Destiny
    August 8, 2024 at 2:03 pm

    Thanks buddy 😘

  • Avatar osbaldo_quia
    August 10, 2024 at 7:53 pm

    This is a fantastic piece! Your thorough research and engaging writing style make it a must-read for anyone interested in the topic. I appreciate the practical tips and examples you included. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights.


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