Do you ever wonder how hackers are able to exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers to gain access to sensitive information? Or are you interested in learning how to hack web browsers yourself? If so, you’re in luck! In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of installing the BeEF framework, a powerful browser exploitation tool that will help you test the security of web browsers. With BeEF, you’ll be able to simulate real-world attacks and gain a better understanding of how to secure your own web applications. So, get ready to dive into the exciting world of browser exploitation and let’s get hacking!
What is BeEF?
BeEF stands for Browser Exploitation Framework. It is an open-source penetration testing tool that allows you to test the security of web browsers. BeEF is a powerful tool that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers and gain access to sensitive information.
The BeEF framework is written in Ruby and runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems. It is designed to be used by security professionals and penetration testers to test the security of web applications.
Install the BeEF Framework
If you’re interested in learning how to hack web browsers and want to get your hands dirty, you’re in the right place. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of installing the BeEF framework, a powerful browser exploitation tool that will help you test the security of web browsers.
Step 1: Get Ready
Before we get started, make sure you have the following:
- A computer running Linux, macOS, or Windows.
- A terminal emulator or command prompt.
- A web browser to access the BeEF user interface.
Step 2: Install Dependencies
The BeEF framework is written in Ruby, so you’ll need to install Ruby and some additional dependencies before you can start using it. The easiest way to do this is to use a package manager, such as apt, yum, or Homebrew. Here’s an example for Ubuntu Linux:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev build-essential sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
Step 3: Download BeEF
Now that you have Ruby and the necessary dependencies installed, it’s time to download BeEF. You can download the latest version of BeEF from the official website, or you can use the following command to download it directly from the command line:
$ git clone
This will create a new directory called beef in your current working directory.
Step 4: Install BeEF
Once you have downloaded BeEF, navigate to the beef directory and run the following command to install it:
$ sudo ./install
This will install BeEF and all of its dependencies on your computer. This may take a few minutes, depending on your system’s performance.
Step 5: Start BeEF
Now that BeEF is installed, you can start it by running the following command:
$ beef
This will start BeEF and display the BeEF console URL in the terminal. Open your web browser and navigate to this URL to access the BeEF user interface.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed the BeEF framework and can now start exploring its features. BeEF is a powerful tool that allows you to test the security of web browsers and exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive information. Remember to use this tool responsibly and only for legitimate purposes, such as penetration testing and security audits.
The two important links are:
- Hook URL:
The “Hook URL” is the JavaScript you need to try and get your victim to run.
The “UI URL” is the web interface for BeEF where you’ll be able to monitor and carry out the attacks.
Access the BeEF Console
Now that you’ve successfully installed the BeEF framework, it’s time to start exploring its features. The BeEF console is where all the magic happens, and it’s where you’ll be able to access a wide range of tools and resources to help you hack web browsers. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to access the BeEF console and get started with your first exploit.
Step 1: Launch BeEF
To access the BeEF console, you first need to launch BeEF. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the BeEF directory. Once you’re there, type the following command:
$ beef
This will start the BeEF server and display the URL for the BeEF console in the terminal.
Step 2: Open the BeEF Console
Once the BeEF server is running, open your web browser and enter the URL for the BeEF console. The URL should look something like this:
Press enter and you’ll be taken to the BeEF console login page.
Step 3: Login to the BeEF Console
To login to the BeEF console, enter the default username and password:
- Username: beef
- Password: beef
Once you’ve entered your credentials, click the “Login” button to access the BeEF console.
Step 4: Explore the BeEF Console
Congratulations! You’ve successfully accessed the BeEF console and are now ready to start exploring its features. The BeEF console is a powerful tool that allows you to test the security of web browsers and exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive information. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the different tabs and options in the BeEF console, and get ready to launch your first exploit.
Remember, BeEF is a powerful tool that should be used responsibly and only for legitimate purposes such as penetration testing and security audits. With that in mind, let’s get started and see what the BeEF framework can do!
How to Hack Web Browsers with BeEF?
Are you curious about how hackers are able to exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers and gain access to sensitive information? Do you want to learn how to hack web browsers yourself and test the security of your own web applications? If so, you’re in luck! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use the BeEF framework, a powerful browser exploitation tool, to hack web browsers and gain control of the victim’s machine.
Step 1: Choose Your Target
The first step in hacking a web browser with BeEF is to choose your target. You can use BeEF to hack any web browser, but for the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll be using Google Chrome as an example.
Step 2: Start BeEF
Before you can start hacking, you need to start BeEF. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the BeEF directory. Once you’re there, type the following command:
$ beef
This will start the BeEF server and display the URL for the BeEF console in the terminal.
Step 3: Set Up the Hook
To hack a web browser with BeEF, you need to set up a hook. A hook is a small piece of JavaScript code that you insert into a web page to connect it to the BeEF server. Once the victim visits the web page, the hook will execute and connect the victim’s browser to the BeEF server.
To set up the hook, open a new terminal window and navigate to the BeEF directory. Type the following command to generate the hook code:
$ ./beef
This will generate the hook code, which you can copy and paste into a web page.
Step 4: Create a Phishing Page
To lure the victim into visiting your web page, you need to create a phishing page. A phishing page is a fake web page that looks like a legitimate web page, such as a login page. When the victim enters their username and password on the phishing page, the information is sent to the attacker’s server.
To create a phishing page, you can use any HTML editor of your choice. Copy and paste the hook code into the HTML file, and save the file with a name that is likely to attract the victim’s attention.
Step 5: Launch the Attack
Once you have the phishing page set up, you’re ready to launch the attack. Send the phishing page to the victim and wait for them to enter their username and password. When the victim enters their credentials, the hook code will execute and connect the victim’s browser to the BeEF server.
To perform a basic phishing attack, navigate to Commands > Social Engineering > Pretty Theft on the web interface of BeEF.

Click on the Execute button.
This will cause a fake Facebook session timeout page to appear on the victim webpage, asking for user credentials.

I’m going to enter some fake credentials.

As you can see “test@zyx” and “p@ssw0rd” was recorded!
From here, you can use BeEF to launch a wide range of attacks, including keylogging, remote control, and file stealing. Take some time to explore the different options in the BeEF console and see what you can do.
Remember, BeEF is a powerful tool that should be used responsibly and only for legitimate purposes such as penetration testing and security audits. With that in mind, let’s get started and see what the BeEF framework can do!
In conclusion, we hope that this guide has been a helpful resource in teaching you how to use the BeEF framework to hack web browsers. It’s important to remember that while the idea of hacking may seem exciting, it should only be done for legitimate purposes such as penetration testing and security audits. Always remember to use BeEF responsibly and ethically.
One of the key takeaways from this guide is the importance of being aware of the potential vulnerabilities in web applications. As more and more sensitive information is stored online, it’s crucial to ensure that these applications are secure and protected from malicious attacks. By using BeEF, you can identify and address any weaknesses in your web applications before they can be exploited by attackers.
Another important point to consider is the ongoing nature of cybersecurity. As new technologies and techniques emerge, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in order to stay ahead of potential threats. Keeping yourself informed and educated is the first step towards protecting yourself and your organization from cyber attacks.
Finally, we encourage you to continue to explore the world of cybersecurity and ethical hacking. By learning more about these topics, you can better understand the potential threats facing our digital world and work towards creating a safer, more secure online environment.
Thank you for reading this guide, and we wish you the best of luck in your journey towards mastering the art of browser hacking with BeEF!
This post was a full week late.